Friday, May 27, 2011

Clothes while Nursing

So the adventures of Nursing has been great again but the clothes have been a pain for me, I am very large right now on the chest front wearing a 38 E or 38 F nursing bras from motherhood maternity, so finding tops that will work sucks.  I gave most of my maternity clothes away so I don't have the tops anymore but it wouldn't matter because most of them were long sleeve and it's summer now.  I have looked for tops everywhere and the selection at motherhood maternity sucks but the tank tops are awesome.  The regular stores like American Eagle, Aeropostale, and the other stores I shop at just don't work with my large chest and small waste.  The stores I have found that work with Large Chested while breastfeeding are, Old Navy, you can find clothes that are a little looser but still flattering.  The other store that I love is Forever 21, this store also has clothes that are loose fitting and flattering.  Most other stores just don't work but I would recommend keeping your maternity shirts if you can and wear them while breastfeeding if like me your big on top and small around the waste.  

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